Programs Administered Through the Fellowships and Awards Office
313 Kern Graduate Building
Phone: 814-865-2514
Fax: 814-863-1091
Graduate Assistant OutstandingTeaching Award -The Office of the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education, and the Graduate School recognize excellence in outstanding teaching by graduate assistants. A graduate assistant must have served in a teaching capacity for at least two semesters within the last two years to be eligible. A degree candidate with the title of instructor is not eligible. Nominations may be made by students, staff, and faculty members. Awards include $500 in cash and a certificate. Contact: Office of Fellowships and Awards, 313 Kern Graduate Building, (814) 865-2514.
Deadline : November 1.
Academic Computing Fellowships -Innovative program in computing applications. The program is for doctoral students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents who have a background and strong interest in the computing applications of their disciplines and be nominated by their program. Fellows will be individuals who show substantial promise in their own fields as well. Through participation in the Fellowship program, and utilizing computers, they will help develop and disseminate new methods for problem solving within their disciplines. Graduate programs may nominate up to two students. Fellows will be awarded a $15,000 stipend plus tuition and fees. In addition, a $2,000 departmental grant will be provided to each appointee for such activities as travel to national conferences, visits to other universities and research facilities, as well as other incidental support costs. Contact: Office of Fellowships and Awards, 313 Kern Graduate Building, (814) 865-2514.
Deadline : March 1.
Summer Tuition Assistance Program -This is a tuition-credit support program for students enrolled during the summer session. Students apply to their college for funding. Tuitions credits may be awarded to students who have been supported on assistantship and full fellowships during both the Fall and Spring semesters.
Applications are on a first come first serve basis and funds are limited.
Students need to complete a summer tuition assistance program form which can be obtained from their academic department. Students complete the student section in consultation with their advisors. The budget administrator completes their section verifying the source of the student support, and submits the form to Sharon Gates, 483-A Business Bldg.
NOTE: It is strongly encouraged that all forms are submitted by March 26 in order for the information to appear on the student bills.
Deadline : June 15
Alumni Association Dissertation Award -- Provides funding and recognition to outstanding full-time doctoral students who have passed their comprehensive exams and have received approval of the dissertation topic. To be eligible, students must have completed all course work and language requirements and must be registered for subj. 601 or nine credits (D.Ed. or M.F.A. students). Nominations are solicited from doctoral programs at Penn State and are forwarded to a selection committee. From the pool of qualified nominations, a minimum of two awards of $5,000 are made for each of the following categories: Fine Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences - Applied and Basic; Physical and Computational Sciences - Applied and Basic; Life and Health Sciences; and Engineering. Funds for this award will not replace existing college or departmental support and will be disbursed directly into the students' accounts during Spring semester. Dept. Chairs should submit their nominations to the Gradute Officer at Smeal who will submit up to two nominations to the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration, 313 Kern Graduate Building, (814) 865-2514. Deadline: November 1.