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Integrity matters at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business. It stands as a fundamental part of our culture and permeates what we do as a leading business school both in and out of our classrooms.

Integrity matters at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business. It stands as a fundamental part of our culture and permeates what we do as a leading business school both in and out of the classroom.

The academic integrity initiative at Smeal began in the college’s tight-knit MBA program as a partnership among students, faculty, and passionate alumni. Driven by students in the program, the academic integrity initiative grew quickly and has been expanded to the entire Smeal community.  The goal of the academic integrity initiative is to integrate honesty, integrity, and accountability as foundational elements of the Smeal Graduate Programs experience.  Whether performing course work, conducting cutting-edge research, or teaching, Smeal PhD students pledge to adhere to the tenets of the Smeal Honor Code and to hold their classmates accountable as well.